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THE CORN EXCHANGE, BRIGHTON DOME 13 JUNE 2024 - Leo Perrin is the Youth Project Lead at the Cleaner Ocean Foundation. This is an amateur video of a short presentation about the hydrogen powered Elizabeth Swann - a zero carbon trimaran around 44 meters in length. The vessel is bristling with state of the art tech. This talk (only his second) was given at the launch of the 'Sussex Bay' re-wilding project, a brilliant initiative to conserve around 100 miles of Sussex coastline in England, supported by many authorities and like minded concerns. Please visit their website to learn more of this important work.





Planet Earth is unique in our solar system for its ability to support the evolution of animal and plant life. It may be unique in all the universe, making us guardians of galactic intelligent life, that we should seek to preserve intelligently, lest we are forced to seek to abandon Planet A and migrate to an as yet undiscovered Planet B.


What is so fabulous about our precious blue planet is the diverse range of organic life, or biodiversity - much of which is seriously undervalued, but represents millions of years of niche evolution, carefully selected naturally by the law of survival of the fittest. The most perfectly adapted to our environment survives, while natures experiments that don't adjust quickly enough, become extinct.


Humans are the only high-level intelligent species on the planet, we now know from archaeological remains, evolved from apes, rather than a divine creation, save for the spark of life being heavenly. Though, there was something approaching the Garden of Eden, in Tanzania. Where life was sufficiently supportive for our ancestor hominids to progress through Australopithecus to Homo Habilis, through Neanderthal Man absorption - until Homo Sapiens reigned supreme with 1600cc of brain capacity. By then we'd progressed from tool user, to creating war machines, tanks, submarines, and ultimately, the atomic bomb (oops), intercontinental ballistic missiles, and space rockets.


Leading up to World War Two, we showed our dark side, with concentration camps and eugenics programmes, stemming from the American Way. Adolf Hitler took all of these concepts to extremes and very nearly pulled off his world domination agenda, but for the remainder of the free world, fighting to establish rules of conduct that crystallized as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to tackle Nazi like atrocities, born from the United Nations and the atrocities between 1939 and 1945; the Second World War. 






EU MISSION IMPOSSIBLE - At just 16, Leo is on a mission to help clean up our seas and oceans. He is the Youth Project Lead, designing, testing and then building a 44 meter super yacht: the JVH2 SolarSport HydroRacer™ might take two Guinness World Records with the same vessel. His team are looking for philanthropist investors, that share a vision for a cleaner world: With sustainable propulsion for Zero Emission waterborne cargo transport, sympathetic to oil producing nations, renewable energy entrepreneurs and ports seeking implementation of new bunkering infrastructures.




Man almost wiped out whales in the quest for oil for lamps and cheap meat. Man has wiped out some fisheries, in the process learning that they do not regenerate - and that there are limits.


Politicians and businesses would have us exploit our natural resources, to the point of frying the planet and killing species by the thousands. Including displacing humans from their natural habitats, via desertification. Hence, we have exceeded the natural limits of the planet, unbalancing nature delicate balancing act. According to the media, we are once again on the brink of WWIII.


Having discovered coal and oil, some of our leaders appear determined to take us to the brink of extermination with their expansionist policies. The invention of paper and now digital money, allowing borrowing and trading on promises that planet earth cannot provide.


Given that there is no relationship with printed and minted currency to tie that to anything tangible on earth, such as sustainable food production - without further desertification and global warming. In the good old days, gold and silver backed paper money, providing a braking effect on over-development.







Why there has been no thought of index linking paper money to affordable energy and homes, remains a mystery. Okay, that might suit get rich quick schemers, adversaries of our blue planet. But, authentic billionaires work hard for their money, and plough back into society.


Climate change, caused by the overuse of fossil fuels is one of the most pressing issues we are facing in the new millennium, with our present leaders waking up to the impending catastrophe, if we fail to respond expeditiously. 


Some are though exploring space using robots, presumably in the hope of finding a new home or other intelligent lifeforms, by way of an insurance policy, that we may not have time to cash in. Hence, we focus on Planet Earth, the here and now.









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